Other selected texts and projects

Exhibition text for Sebastian Jefford’s Sentiment, Sediment at Gallery Opdahl, Stavanger: https://www.galleriopdahl.no/exhibition/sebastian-jefford

Ilija Wyller, Hermitess Manifesto (2023), co-curated with Pernille Dybvig for the Edvard Munch House in Rostock: https://edvard-munch-haus.de/en/residenzstipendium-ilija-wyller/

Review of Amélie Laurence Fortin’s exhibition Sunburst in Esse Arts: https://esse.ca/en/auteurs/gustav-elgin-en/

A Praga (2021), a film by Igor Vidor, on which I worked as a researcher and co-writer: https://www.schirn.de/en/magazine/context/a_place_of_silence_and_weapons/ & https://berlinischegalerie.de/en/exhibition/igor-vidor/

Essay on Axel Gouala: http://www.axelgouala.com/portfolio-item/be-magazine-21/

Exhibition text for Constance Tenvik’s Falling Eye Lashes (2021) at Gallery ISCA, Oslo: https://www.isca.no/constancetenvik/


Kalle Grude, Untitled Project, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo (Summer 2024)

Conservation as Care, Edvard-Munch-Haus, Rostock, co-curated with Jenny H. Trømborg and Katharina Wiedwald (Summer 2024)
© Gustav Elgin 2024